Posts tagged SRBP
Project Update — Water Trail Update from Sheboygan River Basin Partnership

Like many navigable rivers in our region, the Sheboygan River has seen a lot of changes over the decades. One of the more noticeable and positive changes, along with gradual improvements to water quality and riparian habitats, has to do with more and more canoers, kayakers, and paddlers now using the river as a source of recreation, inspiration, and exercise…

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Spend a day at the beach with LNRP Partner events all along the shoreline!

Beach Cleanups provide an opportunity to enjoy these special places along the shores of Lake Michigan while also giving back by cleaning up the litter that accumulates on the beaches. You can help by registering to volunteer at a beach near you during the events on May 8th from 9-11am or by signing up to do your own individual cleanup at any beach, on any day!

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