For 20 years, LNRP has been a conservation leader in Wisconsin. We are proud of our record of success and our sustainable conservation impact in the communities we are privileged to serve!
In truth, the fuel for our organization is the people who comprise it and support it. The people who lead forward our projects and programs. The people who partner with us and help us execute on our vision. And, the people who passionately believe in us, trust us, empower us, and invest in us!
In short, our financial supporters change lives. They shape the future of everyone living or visiting much of Northeast Wisconsin,from the lakeshore of Lake Michigan to the ridge of the Niagara Escarpment. Their financial generosity advances collaborative stewardship projects, programs, and partner initiatives in one of the most unique and beautiful areas of Wisconsin – the Lakeshore Region!
Through your gift to LNRP, you:
enhance water quality throughout the Lake Michigan Basin;
restore and enhance wildlife habitat and forest ecosystem;
eradicate destructive invasive species;
improve soil health and advance sustainable agricultural practices;
protect natural areas and open land spaces;
cultivate and engage community leaders; and
educate community residents about the need for action to address the climate crisis.
Through your gift to LNRP, you become a conservation champion and a steward of our greatest natural resources.
Your generosity gives real inspiration, purpose and meaning to our LNRP mission and work, and it serves as the foundation of our intimate collaboration and connection with our Regional Network, Watershed, and Community Partner Groups. Together, we cultivate community and stewardship, from the ledge to the lakeshore – and we can all take great pride in the difference we make for the special places we call home. There is a real sense of urgency for us to continue to deliver this conservation impact in the years to come – and together with you, we will.
Thank you for your tax-deductible gift to LNRP. Thank you for your investment in our people and the work we are honored to do!
s u p p o r t s t o r i e s
“LNRP has made it possible for Friends of Peace Park to focus on furthering our mission and vision by doing the 'heavy lifting' regarding finances. With LNRP as our Fiscal Agent, we are able to concentrate on the important work at Sheboygan Peace Park. We also appreciate their support of our fund-raising and our community outreach efforts.”
— Mary Koczan, Friends of Peace Park Sheboygan
“Thanks to our relationship with LNRP, we are creating community awareness, restoring natural areas on our beach and becoming a better educated community. The professional support, expert advice and networking opportunities that LNRP provides are fundamental to the sustainability of our existing projects and well-informed decision making with regard to future efforts to protect our beach and the Ahnapee River watershed.”
— Cathy Pabich, Friends of Crescent Beach
“I wish to express my gratitude for the efforts of LNRP and the vital financial and staff support they have offered for the work being done on Stony Brook, a viable trout stream in our county. These efforts include a new culvert crossing, restoration work on the stream, and establishment of a Friends Group to sustain our work. LNRP has also supported our annual well testing program, WAV stream testing, Cal-Man Lakes rehab program, and a critical phragmites control program.”
— DuWayne Klessig, LNRP Board Member
Click on the image of the giving initiative to learn more about the opportunity and how to participate.
partner groups
Our organization helps a handful of other organizaitons that can be supported by people like you.
other ways to give
Legacy gifts, employer gift match, bequests, gifts of stock, estate planning, in-kind donations, in-kind services, and volunteering
give by mail
If you don’t feel comfortable giving online you may download this form and mail it instead.