Project Updates — Spring 2020

Even with the collective response to COVID-19, the LNRP Team continues to work with a variety of stakeholders on restoration projects throughout the lakeshore. Things have certainly been a little different as we work almost exclusively from our home offices but we continue to plan and design the work plans for these projects. Water quality remains a primary concern and we are working to combine habitat enhancements with improvements in water quality.

Over 1,000 trees planted in 2019 with some of them shown above.

Over 1,000 trees planted in 2019 with some of them shown above.


We have built upon our Restore the Shore efforts and have launched a coastal resiliency program. We have worked to align our activities with the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Plan III Focus Areas. And we are building a climate adaptation framework as an underlying theme in everything we do!

List of Current Projects

Here is a list of some of our current projects along with our partners who work with local units of government and management agencies to help make our projects successful with long-term maintenance and care.


Door County Tree Planting
Forest Recovery Project
Climate Change Coalition

Door County Lake Habitat Enhancements
Kangaroo Lake Association
Clark Lake Advancement Association

Olson Park and Crescent Beach Restoration
Friends of Crescent Beach

Forget Me Not Creek and the Kaas Ridge Swale Restoration
Woodland Dunes Nature Center
Friends of the Twin Rivers

Little Manitowoc Coastal Wetland Restoration
Friends of the Manitowoc River Watershed

Lower Schuette Park Restoration
Friends of the Manitowoc River Watershed

Fischer Creek Park Habitat Improvements
Friends of Hika Bay

Point Creek Natural Area Habitat Improvements
Point Creek Management Committee

Hika Park / Centerville Creek Restoration
Friends of Hika Bay

Stony Brook Trout Stream Enhancement
Trout Unlimited – Fox Valley

Pigeon River Habitat Corridor 
Sheboygan River Basin Partnership

North Point Bluff Restoration
Friends of North Point
Sheboygan River Basin Partnership

Peace Park Sheboygan
Friends of Peace Park Sheboygan

Willow Creek Habitat Corridor 
Sheboygan River Basin Partnership / Glacial Lakes Conservancy

Fisherman’s Creek Habitat Enhancement
Sheboygan River Basin Partnership

Onion River Trout Stream Enhancement
Trout Unlimited – Lakeshore

Amsterdam Dunes Restoration Project
Sheboygan River Basin Partnership

Origami Cranes in Peace Park, Sheboygan.

Origami Cranes in Peace Park, Sheboygan.

Point Creek flowing into Lake Michigan after the melting of ice.

Point Creek flowing into Lake Michigan after the melting of ice.


In the next few months, we will showcase projects with updates from the field. We will continue to share our stories on social media and invite you to visit the projects virtually with drone video clips as well as invitations to walk about and enjoy these jewels on the lakeshore.