Partner Profile: Friends of North Point
FONP co-leader, Starr Gerk, and a volunteer cleanup North Point last summer.
The Friends of North Point (FONP) were formed in June of 2017. A group of local citizens in Sheboygan contacted LNRP to discuss the loss of habitat and impact of invasive plants and shrubs on the unique and vital area called North Point Bluff. With the help of the City of Sheboygan, FONP have officially “adopted” the North Point Park, which includes the bluff, and serve as stewards of this special piece of the Lake Michigan shoreline.
North Point Bluff
North Point Park Sign
All of the efforts of the Friends of North Point support their mission to bring awareness to the community of the ecological and economic value of the bluff. The group’s goals are to improve the bluff area for both public and wildlife, create a native plant community, to provide educational outreach to all residents along the bluff and to create public awareness by hosting informational events.
We sat down with the FONP co-leaders, Starr Gerk and Laura Klemm, and asked them a few questions about this exciting new group! Their answers are shown below.
What is the most valuable aspect of partnering with LNRP?
LNRP has provided the needed expertise in creating partnerships (especially with the City of Sheboygan) in order to get the bluff project going. We could not have done it without them.
What is the most important thing others need to know about your group?
We are a small group that is focused on a project that will ultimately benefit everyone.
What accomplishments are you most proud of since forming? In the last year?
We are most proud of the bluff restoration project. This has been a multi-year undertaking including the fund development and project planning, with implementation of restoration activities finally starting in 2019. We are so excited to have accomplished this with the help of LNRP.
What is the biggest opportunity or challenge you see on the horizon?
We are challenged with changing the mindset of people so they understand the importance of a healthy bluff community. Historically, the bluff area has not been utilized as a part of North Point Park and local landowners have come to view it as an extension of their private property rather than the public land that it is. This has presented challenges but has also become an opportunity to engage our neighbors and encourage them to care for this land in a way that benefits the entire community. Also, encouraging people to see this as public land, instead of private property. We will take every opportunity to educate people on how a healthy bluff plays an important role in the ecosystem.
What are your goals for the next year? How can people help you achieve them?
Some of our goals are signage about the bluff restoration project, benches for viewing, an educational series and improved staircase access with solar lighting. People can help by supporting fundraising efforts by FONP and LNRP to help fund parts of these projects, and also by attending educational events that help get the word out about what we are doing.
Learn more about Friends of North Point on their LNRP partner page, click here to visit.
Laura Klemm, FONP co-leader, volunteers at LNRP’s Barn Dance Fundraiser.