"Hello" from the LNRP Executive Director, Tom Mlada


“There can be no greater issue than that of conservation in this country.” — President Theodore Roosevelt


This week, our nation celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. A bit more than 50 years before that first celebration of Earth Day in 1970 – back in 1908 – President Theodore Roosevelt, the father of our National Park System, made the above declaration about conservation. In short, while this week’s Earth Day celebration represented a very important milestone, our collective conservation work is rooted even deeper in its intimate connection to some of our nation’s greatest leaders. 

It is hard to believe that it has been 50 years since that first grassroots celebration of a public conservation ethic, led of course in large part by Senator Gaylord Nelson of our great State of Wisconsin. Who could have known that first Earth Day celebration would soon lead to landmark national legislation like the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act, legislation that would have (and continues to have) extraordinary environmental impact?

Five decades later, however, the work continues, and our LNRP Team is proud and privileged to be a part of that work. For me, that work began officially in August of last year, when I assumed the role of Executive Director of our organization. Our leadership transition continues, and as part of that, Jim Kettler thankfully continues his extraordinary service with LNRP in his capacity as Director of Projects. I feel genuinely blessed to have this opportunity to serve along with such talented, passionate, and dedicated people – partners and supporters like you included – making a difference for the communities we serve and the planet we share. I’m proud of our work and our impact, and I’m proud we’re investing in the people doing that work. You ARE Team LNRP – and we appreciate all you do!

During these challenging times with the pandemic we face together now, it can be difficult for us to remain hopeful and optimistic. Our focus is rightly caring for one another, and ensuring the health and well-being of our loved ones. In that shared concern, however, there is a place for caring for our shared home, the Earth we inhabit. In fact, at this moment in our nation’s history when we stand united to defeat a common enemy, there is a profound opportunity for us to carry forward our shared conservation work with a hopeful and optimistic spirit.


“As an organization, LNRP has done so much these past 15 years to enhance water quality, build community, and inspire a broader conservation ethos.”


For our LNRP Team, that means advancing our stewardship mission and expand our impact “from the ledge to the lakeshore.” As an organization, LNRP has done so much these past 15 years to enhance water quality, build community, and inspire a broader conservation ethos. It’s our job, and as you’ll read in this newsletter, we’ve done it well. But again, the work continues, and we will need you working along with us, now more than ever!

After all, if that first Earth Day achieved one thing above all else, it illustrated the fact that the most fundamental bond between all of us as inhabitants of this planet is the common air we breathe, water we drink, and land we walk – a fact that Gaylord Nelson, Aldo Leopold, Theodore Roosevelt, and many other champions of conservation have advocated.

Fifty years after that first Earth Day, that fundamental bond remains strong, and our LNRP Team stands ready to serve as a leader in responsibly stewarding our greatest natural resources for generations to come. We are grateful to have you as a partner in and supporter of that mission!

With Gratitude,


Tom Mlada
LNRP Executive Director