Posts tagged Carstens Lake
Project Update — Carstens Lake Sedimentation and Treatment Basin with Sorption Technology

LNRP secured a DNR Lake Management Planning grant to provide the necessary framework for water quality improvement projects in Carstens Lake. Improvements to land use practices to reduce phosphorus and other nonpoint source pollutant inputs are underway; however, additional work was needed to improve Carstens Lake water quality. The subsequent 2018 Carstens Lake Comprehensive Management Plan recommended several structures adjacent to Pine Creek for water quality treatment to mitigate phosphorus loading in Carstens Lake.

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Project Update — Carstens Lake Water Quality Improvement Project

The Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership (LNRP), Stantec, and the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point (UWSP) are collaborating to improve water quality in Carstens Lake and Lake Michigan. A study identified high phosphorus levels in Carstens Lake, leading to the construction of an offline sedimentation basin and the use of UWSP's sorption technology to reduce contamination. The project aims to protect the lakes, create wildlife habitat, and diversify land use. Construction is set to begin in fall 2023 with two years of monitoring. LNRP also plans to enhance a degraded wetland area for additional water quality benefits and habitat value.

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