LNRP Spring Update: Conservation in Full Bloom!

Dear Partners, Supporters and Friends of LNRP,

With the spring blooming of Forsythia, the LNRP team has been embarking on a campaign of restoration site visits, partner engagements, tabling events, speeches, town meetings, and so much more! 

What I’ve learned in my handful of months at LNRP is that the Lakeshore region is overflowing with incredibly humble individuals who care deeply about their communities and stewarding their precious land and water resources. Interestingly, the scale of the conservation work can at times include only a small section of a creek or a few acres of wetland, but our partners understand that these natural areas are all closely connected to much bigger ecosystems. 

It’s been a busy, yet highly rewarding Spring at LNRP. We’ve engaged with communities throughout our service area and beyond through the following activities: 

  • A presentation for 22 fish and game clubs in Manitowoc County 

  • Hosting a table at Every Day is Earth Day in Door County

  • Joining river cleanups in Milwaukee

  • Speaking to Rotary clubs

  • Presenting project updates for lake-centered organizations

  • Working with municipal leadership and small county governments

  • Producing videos in and around Port Washington

  • Participating in the Trout in the Classroom Spring trout release in Chilton

  • Developing the 2024 Lake Michigan Day event in Manitowoc

LNRP has also recently received exciting news that the City of Port Washington has secured a grant from the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) with funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to support restoration of the Valley Creek Corridor. LNRP worked closely with the City to develop the application and will be leading the restoration project’s education and outreach efforts. City leaders have been envisioning this project for decades, and this vital funding will allow those visions to finally become a reality! 

Now, consider this letter as your Season Pass to come out and join us or our dedicated partner groups for a myriad of community events and volunteer opportunities. We invite you to get your boots dirty, meet some amazing people, and engage in work that truly improves the lives of everyone in your community. 

Enjoy the spring, plant a pollinator garden, and join a local conservation group!



Mike Mullen
LNRP Executive Director