Reflecting on Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday 2020 Banner Image

On December 1st, LNRP proudly joined with other mission-based organizations around the world to celebrate Giving Tuesday, a focused day of financial investment in nonprofit work. This past year perhaps more than any other, this shared sense of purpose helped unify people around the world.

“Our invitation to our generous supporters: let’s rally together and invest in the protection, restoration, and enhancement of our water and land resources!”

More specifically, we were excited to extend to them a new opportunity to expand our conservation impact. Our LNRP Team set a goal of raising $5,000 to fund our Team’s Professional Development budget for the next three-year timeframe. We believed this offered our friends and supporters a way to directly invest in our Team members, our organization, and our Partner Groups. In short, every dollar generously given to LNRP on Giving Tuesday will enable our Team members to participate in essential conservation training, attend vital industry conferences, and more effectively network among our peers the next three years – helping us do our work even better!

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And, as with past Giving Tuesday Campaigns, our friends, partners, and supporters embraced our invitation to invest in our LNRP Team and join in our critical conservation work. On just that one day, we raised nearly $4,700! Our Team was genuinely honored and humbled by the trust this meaningful financial support represents. In future e-newsletters, we will be sharing updates about some of the Professional Development opportunities we participated in to build a stronger, more sustainable LNRP!

Of course, even though our Giving Tuesday appeal has concluded, the opportunity to make a gift to our organization has not. Your tax-deductible gift to LNRP at any time during the year has the power to change the communities we so proudly serve. Our generous donors truly shape the future of our water and land conservation efforts in Wisconsin by empowering LNRP and our Partner Groups to do our work impactfully and sustainably. Together, we steward our most precious natural resources and protect the world’s largest watershed, the Great Lakes Basin. Your generosity ensures cleaner water and healthier communities for generations to come.

In whatever amount you can, will you please join us? Your gift of $25, $50, $100 or more really does make a difference!

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