Friends Coastal Community Stewardship


Crescent Beach is the treasured City of Algoma park located on the shores of Lake Michigan.  Since joining LNRP as a watershed partner in 2015, Friends of Crescent Beach (FOCB) has taken an action-oriented approach to augmenting the city’s efforts to protect and improve this important community asset. The group is proud of the broad coalition of community support they have built through the years.  Thanks to the advice and educational opportunities provided by LNRP staff, they continue to expand their volunteer efforts.  Inspiration comes from the community’s long history of volunteerism.  This year marks the 25th anniversary of the volunteer-built, half-mile long, Crescent Beach boardwalk.

Concerns about storm drain outfalls emptying directly onto the beach, accumulations of algae, invasive plants, loafing birds, and litter motivated the group to form.  By taking stewardship responsibility, FOCB acts locally to contribute to Great Lakes health in hopes of laying the foundation for future conservation efforts. 

Several FOCB supported efforts that were years in the making moved forward in 2020. The City’s storm drain mitigation project on the north end of the beach was completed with the creation of a bioretention pond to filter out pollutants. Results of the Northeast Lakeshore Total Maximum Daily Load study were reported. The study provided valuable information about the Ahnapee River which runs through Algoma and empties into Lake Michigan.  The first phase of a grant funded restoration effort on the south part of the beach initiated in 2017 was completed.  Restoration activities included the removal of invasive plants and replacement with native bushes and plants.  With the assistance of more than forty adult and youth volunteers 15,600 beach grass plugs were planted.

FOCB will form a volunteer team in spring of 2021 to continue the restoration work.  Other ongoing activities include: organizing and providing all the supplies for weekly trash pick-ups from spring through fall; arranging for local science students to participate in the Alliance for the Great Lakes September Adopt-a-Beach event; connecting teachers with expert speakers; coordinating a storm drain stenciling project; advocating for a ban on toxic coal-tar based pavement sealants; providing letters of support for grant applications; occasional programming; volunteering for special projects; and raising and donating funds. 

Since FOCB began in 2015, an estimated 190 adult and 650 youth volunteer engagements offered meaningful watershed experiences that combined action with education.   The Algoma art community has supported FOCB with fundraising events and the creation of handmade mugs for an annual fundraiser.  FOCB contributed to beach advisory signage, trash/recycle bins, bike racks, a utility wagon, landscape improvements and lamp post repairs.

It is not all work and no play for this group!  FOCB co-hosts the annual Soar on the Shore kite fly and beach party event with the Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce.  The Wisconsin Kiters Club provides the show and crowds of up to 1500 people enjoy free music, food and activities thanks to the generosity of sponsors.   Even though the event was officially cancelled due to COVID in 2020, a group of kiters spontaneously appeared and filled the sky with beautiful kites much to the delight of the many spectators that flocked to the beach for a safe and socially distanced gathering.   “We really needed this in a challenging year” commented a spectator.  A sentiment shared with FOCB Committee members by many.

To learn more about FOCB, how to get involved and their fundraising campaign to celebrate the boardwalk and the volunteers that built it visit their website at or find them on Facebook.