Celebrating our Barn Dance Partnerships


"Partnership" is a word our LNRP Team uses a lot. It is a core part of our mission and it is fundamental to our work.  Today, we want to take a moment to thank some of our Business and Corporate Partners, whose generosity and investment have made our annual LNRP Barn Dance a success.  With their support, we've raised money that empowered us to have the conservation and community impact to which we are committed. In short, we couldn't have done it without them!

The Barn Dance celebration will no longer take place in 2020.  We would have loved to put on another memorable celebration, however, with the uncertainty surrounding the current situation in Wisconsin, the decision is the only responsible solution.  Until then, we invite you to join us in celebrating and supporting these partners who have made a difference in our community and for LNRP. 

Barn Dance 2020 Sponsors