LNRP Releases Case Statement Brochure on 20th Anniversary

LNRP 2023 Case Statement

Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership (LNRP) Case Statement Brochure describes the organization's work in conserving and protecting the land and waters of the Lakeshore Basin. LNRP has been active in the region for 20 years, building relationships and working with a diverse team of partners to improve water quality and restore land. The organization has achieved significant impacts in the last two years, including planting 1,500 trees, restoring over 2,400 acres of land, and treating over 30,000 acres of phragmites. To date, LNRP has also received over $2.1 million in grant funding and monitored 235 miles of shoreline. The document highlights the importance of LNRP's work and encourages readers to support the organization.

Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership (LNRP) has released a new LNRP Case Statement Brochure to the public. LNRP serves over 2,400 square miles of the Lakeshore Basin, including about 235 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline. The LNRP model is a unique story of sustainable impact through unifying collaboration for constructive solutions.

In 2003, LNRP was launched by a small group of friends who believed that the best hope for the Lakeshore Basin lay in people reaching across fences to foster partnerships, cultivate projects, promote discussion, and advocate for a balance between land use and natural resource conservation and protection.

Twenty years later, LNRP is still reaching out, still talking, and still finding creative solutions to improve and protect the Basin. The organization builds relationships to empower water quality improvement and land restoration in local communities. LNRP works collaboratively with a diverse team of non-profits, municipalities, and community leaders to make a positive impact on the Lakeshore Basin.

LNRP has achieved significant impacts in the last two years, even during the challenging COVID-19 pandemic. For example, the organization has planted 1,500 trees, restored over 2,400 acres of land, and treated over 30,000 acres of phragmites. The LNRP has also received over $2.1 million in grant funding and monitored 235 miles of shoreline.

LNRP is proud to be a leading voice and passionate champion for the land and waters of northeast and east central Wisconsin communities. As a respected thought-leader and change agent, the LNRP is dedicated to fostering a spirit of collaboration and a meaningful "sense of place" through community conversation, education, and engagement.

We encourage everyone to support LNRP and its important work by visiting the organization's website at www.LNRP.org. There, you can learn more about LNRP and how to donate to help continue their important work. Together, we can make a positive impact on the Lakeshore Basin and ensure its long-term health and sustainability.
