Press Release | Barn Dance 2022


CLEVELAND, WIS. – Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership (LNRP) will be hosting its 11th Annual Barn Dance on Saturday, September 17th at the historic Saxon Homestead Farm (15621 S. Union Road in Cleveland). This unique event offers an opportunity for LNRP partners, stakeholders, and community residents to gather and celebrate another year of inspiring water and land conservation impact. It also serves as an important fundraiser in support of LNRP’s critical mission.

“We’re so proud to once again join with many of our LNRP friends and supporters at this picturesque family farm in southern Manitowoc County and highlight the special partnerships we have fostered to help improve rural life as it intersects with urban life in the 21st century,” said Tom Mlada, LNRP Executive Director. “This year’s event is especially meaningful, as we will use our Barn Dance to launch LNRP’s 20th Milestone Anniversary celebration, making it the perfect time to thank our friends, partners, and supporters for the extraordinary difference they make with us.”

Saxon Homestead Farm and the Karl and Liz Klessig family have been the perfect partner for LNRP’s annual Barn Dance event, as collaboration with agricultural partners aligns well with LNRP’s mission. 

“For the past 20 years, LNRP has worked to advance the message of environmental and economic balance through wise stewardship of ground and surface waters and soils,” said Jim Kettler, LNRP’s former longtime Executive Director and current Director of Projects. “We are proud of the authentic relationships we have built since our organization’s inception in 2003 – relationships which enable us to be vocal champions of working lands and waters.”

More broadly, LNRP serves as the parent organization of 16 watershed groups, regional networks, and community partners all engaged in the work of natural resource protection. 

“In facilitating citizen engagement through education and action, LNRP has been very successful in advancing collaborative stewardship of sustainable natural resources and abundant wildlife and natural habitat,” said Natalie Dorrler-Hyde, LNRP Director of Partnerships & Programs. “Because of the strong partnerships we have built, our organization is well-positioned to serve as a regional conservation leader for the next 20 years and beyond.”

This year’s event will begin at 5:30 p.m. A delicious assortment of appetizers will be provided by David Hansmann from Generations of Plymouth and Tom Tittl of Wild Wood Pizza. Beer, wine, soda, and water will be available. A variety of games, a Silent Auction, and other fun activities are planned.

After a short program showcasing some of the recent successes of LNRP and its Partner Groups, attendees will be able to kick up their heels to the sounds of this year’s band, Bazooka Joe.

Advance purchase of tickets is strongly encouraged, as capacity in the barn is limited. Admission is $35 per person. 

For more information or to register for this special event, please visit or contact Tom Mlada, LNRP Executive Director, at (262) 573-8736 or
